Liz Career Coaching

6 Ways to Rediscover Confidence and Overcome Self-Doubt

July 07, 2023 Liz Herrera Season 6 Episode 59
6 Ways to Rediscover Confidence and Overcome Self-Doubt
Liz Career Coaching
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Liz Career Coaching
6 Ways to Rediscover Confidence and Overcome Self-Doubt
Jul 07, 2023 Season 6 Episode 59
Liz Herrera

In this episode I address the common theme of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-doubt that has emerged from my recent conversations with friends and colleagues. I share 6 strategies to boost confidence and overcome feelings of self-doubt.

 I encourage my audience to recognize their own worth by acknowledging their qualities, skills, strengths, and unique attributes. I understand the impact of setbacks such as job search rejections or a lack of recognition in the workplace on one's self-esteem, but I remind you to not let these setbacks define your worth. 

 My goal for this episode is to inspire and empower listeners to overcome self-doubt, reclaim their confidence, and pursue their goals.

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Artwork: Joseph Valenzuela Design

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode I address the common theme of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-doubt that has emerged from my recent conversations with friends and colleagues. I share 6 strategies to boost confidence and overcome feelings of self-doubt.

 I encourage my audience to recognize their own worth by acknowledging their qualities, skills, strengths, and unique attributes. I understand the impact of setbacks such as job search rejections or a lack of recognition in the workplace on one's self-esteem, but I remind you to not let these setbacks define your worth. 

 My goal for this episode is to inspire and empower listeners to overcome self-doubt, reclaim their confidence, and pursue their goals.

Recommendations from this episode:

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Artwork: Joseph Valenzuela Design

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Welcome to the Liz Career Coaching Podcast, my name is Liz Herrera and I am your host.

If you've been following my show, you may have noticed that it's been some time since my last episode.  If you are new to the show, welcome.

I had initially planned to release a wrap-up episode before going on my summer hiatus, but I realized that I needed a break. After recording the Wheel of Life episode, I felt inspired to take some time off and do a little traveling with the hubby- which was a nice reset for both of us. As soon as I got back I was ready to dive into various work-related and coaching projects that have been on my radar. In this time, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with close friends, colleagues and continue my work coaching clients.  And I noticed that In many of my conversations, there has been a common theme around the topic of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-doubt.

And so today, I really want to dive into this topic especially for those who are currently experiencing self-doubt and a lack of confidence. My goal is to provide a boost of inspiration and empower you to overcome those thoughts of not being good enough and to reclaim your confidence.

I think it is safe to say that no matter how accomplished we are, or how many successes we’ve had, We all experience moments of self-doubt and often times our self-esteem takes a hit. We may feel like we're not as good as we thought we were or that we're simply not worthy of success. In my recent conversations and my personal experience, these thoughts can stem from toxic work environments, lack of recognition, or unrealistic expectations we may have on ourselves. I personally find inspiration in the stories of others. And in my recent conversation with friends, colleagues and clients and in listening to their stories, I see trailblazers, changemakers, strong leaders, and overall badasses who fail to recognize their own incredible gifts and contributions.

And so today,  as your career coach and job search ally, I am here to remind you that you are more than enough.

The first thing I want you to do is to step outside of yourself and recognize the qualities, skills, strengths, and unique attributes that make you who you are. It's so easy to get caught up in negative self-talk and comparisons, but by acknowledging your own worth, you can start to shift your perspective.

If you're currently going through a job search process, you may be encountering situations where you're not hearing back from recruiters or you are receiving rejection emails. Or, you may be in a work environment where you are bending over backwards for your organization, making sacrifices and yet you are not feeling recognized, valued or compensated for your work.

These experiences can undoubtedly impact your self-esteem and confidence. However, it's crucial not to let these setbacks define your worth. As you embark on your goals whether that is securing a new job, asking for a raise, making a career pivot, or going back to school

I encourage you to take a pause and reflect on your journey. Remember that every rejection, every setback, is an opportunity for growth. Think about all of the challenges you have already overcome as an experienced professional. Use these  lessons learned to move forward.. 

I understand that this is easier said than done and there are some strategies that can help when you are experiencing these feelings of self-doubt or need a boost of confidence. Surround yourself with a support system of friends, colleagues, and mentors who can remind you of your strengths and help you stay focused on your goals. I truly believe that it takes an external perspective to see the greatness within ourselves.

Here are a 6 strategies that II want to share with you  that can help you uplift your confidence:

  1. Practice self-compassion: Talk to yourself as you would a good friend experiencing self-doubt. Focus on your accomplishments, no matter how small, and be mindful as to how you speak to yourself. We have to learn to talk to ourselves as we would a good friend who is experiencing self-doubt. When a loved one or a good friend shares their fears and uncertainties with you.  How do you respond? Do you offer words of encouragement, understanding, and remind them of their strengths? Self-affirmations are a good exercise as well. If you need guidance exploring this exercise, I recommend checking out Affirmation Pod by  Josie Ong, I will add her podcast info in the show notes. This can definitely be a confidence booster and a retreat for your soul.

2) Challenge negative self-talk: It is so easy to get in our own way and self-sabotage. We have to recognize that That little voice that creeps in to distract us and make us think that we are not good enough or that we are destined to fail. When this happens, stop and listen, Recognize that these thoughts are not productive and not true, and replace them with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your past successes and the value you bring.

3) Learn to manage and navigate negative nellies and doubters

We all encounter situations where we're surrounded by negative energy, whether it's a colleague at work or even a family member. While the ideal situation would be to avoid these people altogether, sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we have to collaborate, prove ourselves to them or be in their presence.

I've personally experienced my fair share of encounters with negative nellies and  people doubting my abilities throughout my life and career. I have found myself feeling drained and, at times, even questioning my own potential. However, after much observation and eye opening realization—I recognize that some people are seeking opportunities to point out faults and so called weaknesses in others.  Or they are don’t recognize the impact of their words.  And we cannot control their actions and they are clearly dealing with their own stuff.

However, we can equip ourselves with strategies to maintain our own positivity and mental well-being. 

While we can't control the actions or attitudes of those around us, we can control our own responses. Some strategies to keep in mind include

Avoid oversharing: Do not  divulge too much personal information or share vulnerable aspects of your life. Try keeping your conversations light and focusing on neutral topics and you can minimize the opportunity for negativity.

Mentally prepare when interacting with these folks: Remind yourself of your own worth, strengths, and accomplishments. Don’t take it personal as people are dealing with their own insecurities.

I do however admit that it is challenging to not feel deflated when we are not only dealing with our self-doubt, but from others as well. Again, I am a story teller and I have to share a recent moment of inspiration. I recently watched the Michael J. Fox documentary, "Still” and it is inspirational in so many levels, but for the purposes of today’s topic, one part stood out to me that I was not aware of. 

Most of us remember Michael J. Fox as a heartthrob of the 80s. AND while his breakthrough role was Alex Keaton in "Family Ties," he also had his doubters. One of the show executives originally expressed his disapproval and was reluctant  to cast Michael J. Fox in the role.

Despite the initial disapproval he encountered, Michael J. Fox did a screen test and displayed his natural charismatic talent and proved people wrong and became a successful actor . There are so many stories like this and despite being faced with skepticism and doubt we have to believe in ourselves and in our strengths.

4) Embrace failure as a learning opportunity: Instead of letting failures or setbacks define your self-worth, view them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Think about what went wrong, identify lessons learned, and apply them to future situations. We are human and it is ok to fail. Experiencing failure is something you can use to boost your resilience and self-confidence.

5) Stay current and keep learning: Take time to invest in your professional development and always keep learning. Challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone. There are a ton of opportunities to Attend workshops, seminars, or online courses relevant to your field. The more you invest in your professional growth, the more confident you'll become in your expertise.

6) Focus on your strengths: Believe it or not, but you have incredible talents that are unique to you and you have to learn to embrace and leverage them. Take the time to unveil, nurture and develop your strengths. Unveiling your unique strengths requires self-awareness. It's important  to take the time to identify and understand what makes you exceptional. Reflect on your past achievements, moments of flow, and the positive feedback you've received from others. These can serve as valuable clues to uncovering your strengths.

This will also allow your confidence to grow as you become even better at what you do. If you need support in uncovering your unique strengths, i encourage you to take Gallup’s cliftonstrengths assessment. There are many great strengths-based career coaches that can walk you through your themes and help you better understand your themes and how you can cultivate them further. Feel free to connect with me if you would like to learn how we can work together if this is an area of interest to you.

Remember, the journey to self-confidence is a lifelong process. I believe it is human nature to experience moments of self-doubt, but it is important for us to be equipped with tools and strategies to navigate through them. 

We cannot allow these moments to paralyze us, but instead, let's challenge our limiting beliefs and move forward. 

I hope I was able to offer a dose of inspiration today.   I welcome any ideas and suggestions for future topics and you can email me at or you can also find me  on LinkedIn and on Instagram.  Have an amazing summer and until next time, this is Liz Herrera your career coach and job search ally.